Vacant |
11/01/22-10/31/25 |
Vacant |
11/01/23-10/31/26 |
Vacant |
11/01/24-10/31/27 |
Meeting Time: Convenes when called upon by any member of the committee
This committee is responsible for interpreting the SPEEA Constitution and By-Laws, and of acting as the final hearing body for charges within SPEEA as defined in the Constitution. Consisting of three members who, within the past five years, served as a member of the Executive Board, the Council(s), Tellers Committee(s), the Judicial Review Committee, Council Committees, or any combination thereof, for at least two years. Members of the JRC are elected by the SPEEA Council. The Executive Board is responsible for submitting at least three names of qualified members for a vacancy on the JRC to the SPEEA Council. |