
Constitutional Committees
Judicial Review Committee (JRC)

Name Phone Term
Vacant   11/01/22-10/31/25
Vacant   11/01/23-10/31/26
Vacant   11/01/24-10/31/27

Meeting Time: Convenes when called upon by any member of the committee

This committee is responsible for interpreting the SPEEA Constitution and By-Laws, and of acting as the final hearing body for charges within SPEEA as defined in the Constitution. Consisting of three members who, within the past five years, served as a member of the Executive Board, the Council(s), Tellers Committee(s), the Judicial Review Committee, Council Committees, or any combination thereof, for at least two years. Members of the JRC are elected by the SPEEA Council. The Executive Board is responsible for submitting at least three names of qualified members for a vacancy on the JRC to the SPEEA Council.

SPEEA Tellers Committee

Chair: Mike Shea 425-220-5530
Secretary: Jimmie Mathis 425-223-1373
  Carl Bakke  
  John Ho  

Meeting Time: Convenes when called upon by the chair, or by majority of the committee

The SPEEA Tellers Committee shall have the responsibility and authority for the conduct of all SPEEA elections, Constitutional amendments, and referendums; serves as a hearing body for all charges related to SPEEA elections Constitutional amendments, and referendums and ratifications and has the authority to resolve such charges; and is involved in the process of SPEEA's financial audit performed at the end of each fiscal year.

Northwest Tellers Committee

Chair: Mike Shea 425-294-2349
Secretary: Jimmie Mathis 206-713-7913
  Carl Bakke 503-875-3891
  Robert Merriott 503-208-0927
  Travis Moyer 971-200-6275
  Vacant (Prof)  
  Vacant (Tech)  

Meeting time: 4:30 p.m. (PT), Monday preceeding the SPEEA Council meetings (2nd Thursday in Jan., March, June, Oct.)

The Regional Tellers are responsible for teller activities of the Region and the installation of the Regional Council and its members.

Midwest Tellers Committee

Chair: John Ho (WEU) 316-282-5016
Members: Vacant (WTPU)  

Meeting time: Refer to online calendar

The Regional Tellers are responsible for teller activities of the Region and the installation of the Regional Council and its members.